Specialty in Europe
European Affairs

The UEMS house is located in the heart of Brussels EU quarter – a stone’s throw from the Parliament and the Commission – and the UEMS is naturally very active in political lobbying with EU Institutions, addressing the main challenges faced by European health sector, including standardisation of training, accreditation and practice. The European Union of Medical Specialists has indeed a long-term tradition in defending the interests of medical specialists, as it first convinced the European Commission that health care required a Directive establishing comparable high levels of medical training in the Member States. Further examples of EU-related policy statements are the UEMS Declarations on Quality (Trilogy): Policy on Continuing Professional Development (2001), Promoting Good Medical Care (2004), Ensuring the Quality of Medical Care (2007). The UEMS is now working in close consultation with other European Medical Organisations (AEMH, CEOM, CPME, FEMS, EANA, PWG, UEMO) and many other scientific Non-Governmental organisations and patient associations.
The Division of Neuroradiology is active in the defense of professional interests of neuroradiologists and neuroradiologists in training, and fruitfully collaborates with the most relevant scientific societies, in particular with ESNR – European Society of Neuroradiology, EBNR – European Board of Neuroradiology and ESMINT – European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy to guarantee the highest level of post-graduate training in Neuroradiology.

EMOs Joint Statement on the central role of medical doctors (May 2018)
High quality healthcare is delivered in complex teams of health professionals whoeach make their unique contribution to the best care for each patient. At the heart of this framework is the patient-doctor relationship. Accurate diagnosis for an individual patient and communication with the patient on the consequences of this diagnosisare key steps in that patient’s care. Education in medicine gives a medical doctor the knowledge, as well as the practical and communication skills, that are essential in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Individual steps and proceduresalong the path to an accurate diagnosis and an appropriate treatment can be safely delegated to other health professionals working within clear guidelines. However it is only a complete medical education that provides the integrated understanding which iskey to adequate coordination of care in teams of multiple health professionals.The undersigned European Medical Organisations stress the importance of the central role of medical doctors in the coordination of multidisciplinary care for two key reasons:
1) It is accepted best practice that diagnosis and treatment take place within an integrated network of care led and coordinated by a medical doctor. Care provided without a medical diagnosis and the appropriate treatment having been established by a medical doctor threatens quality and safety of healthcare.
2) In all European countries, medical doctors are at the centre of giving medical care, although healthcare organisations, employers and support systems also carry responsibility for providing adequate resources and conditions. Without a medical doctor at the centre of the care-giving network, the accountability for the diagnosis and treatment becomes unclear.
We trust the European Union Member States and European institutions will continue to assure that the organization of healthcare is based on clinical networks developed around the central role of medical doctors.
European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) European Association of Senior Hospital Doctors (AEMH) European Councilof Medical Orders (CEOM) Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) European Working Group of Practitioners and Specialists in Free Practice (EANA) European Junior Doctors Permanent Working Group (EJD) European Medical Students Association (EMSA) European Federation of Salaried Doctors (FEMS) European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO)
Visibility of Imaging Professionals in the EU
ESR – UEMS Joint Session
The ESR-UEMS Joint Session is a special meeting annually held in Vienna, on the occasion of the European Congress of Radiology.
The Joint Session is the occasion for ESR and UEMS leaderships to present the many similarities and common strategies of the two organisations, in particular in the field of the defence of professional interests of radiologists and in the harmonisation of high-level radiology training in Europe.
The latest edition of the Joint Session has been dedicated to the topic: “Imaging Professionals within the EU. Radiologists without borders”.On the left column, you can find an interesting article appeared on AuntMinnie and dedicated to the core topics of the event.
The whole session has been recorded and available, after registration, on ESR website:
The upcoming ESR-UEMS Joint Session will be dedicated to the “Visibility of imaging professionals in the EU“. Programme available on the left.
Education and Training
EBNR examinations
The European Board of Neuroradiology – Diagnostic and Interventional (EBNR) is a professional organisation – accredited by ESNR and ESR – that is responsible for the examinations in diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology in Europe. The EBNR organises several examinations in Interventional and Diagnostic Neuroradiology each year. EBNR is also the sole official organisation that provides diplomas in Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology in Europe.
The Division of Neuroradiology actively collaborates with EBNR to offer EBNR exams in Neuroradiology (EDiNR), in Paediatric Neuroradiology (EDiPNR) & Spine interventional Neuroradiology (EDiSINR). EBNR examinations have received UEMS CESMA appraisal in September 2017.

CESMA – Council of European Specialist Medical Assessment was created by the UEMS in 2007 with an aim to provide recommendations and advice on the organisation of European examinations for medical specialists:
- Propose policy documents on the standards and on accreditation of assessments.
- Provide advisory and supporting services to organizers of assessments.
- Monitor implementation of these standards in practice.
- Through its Glasgow Declaration, CESMA set the basis for harmonised standards at the European level with regard to European Specialty Examinations.
- More than 30 European Examinations, as marks of excellence in medical specialties.
The CESMA Executive is currently composed of:
Chairman: Dr. Mark Westwood (Cardiology, UK)
Vice Chairman: Dr. Maeve Durkan (Endocrinology, Ireland)
Secretary: Dr. Albert Mifsud (Microbiology, Malta/UK)
Treasurer: Dr. Gian Battista Parigi (Paediatric Surgery, Italy)
Appraisals Liaison Officer: Dr. Danny Mathysen (Ophthalmology, Belgium)
Ex Officio: Dr. Romuald Krajewski (UEMS President), Prof. Zlatko Fras (UEMS Liaison Officer)
Link: https://www.uems.eu/areas-of-expertise/postgraduate-training/cesma

European Training Requirements in Interventional Neuroradiology
The European Training Requirements in Interventional Neuroradiology, based on the consensus document “Standards for European Training Requirements in Interventional Neuroradiology”, have been unanimously endorsed by UEMS Council on Saturday, April 13, 2019. The training curriculum has been realised by the Division of Neuroradiology supported by the parent Section of Radiology with cooperation of the Division of Interventional Radiology, European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR), European Board of Neuroradiology (EBNR) and European Society for Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT).

Standards of Practice in Interventional Neuroradiology
The Standards of Practice in Interventional Neuroradiology were approved by the Division on March 01, 2018 and were unanimously approved by the parent Section on March 03, 2018.
Please, find here the final version of the document: SoP in INR
Survey results
Survey: Interventional Neuroradiology in Europe
The current framework of Interventional and diagnostic Neuroradiology in Europe still presents significant differences in training and practice. In view of the preparation of the “European Training Requirements in Interventional Neuroradiology” – unanimously endorsed by the UEMS Council on April 13, 2019 – the Section of Radiology and the subspecialty Division of Neuroradiology have launched in September 2018 a survey on the situation of Neuroradiology training and Neuroendovascular practice in Europe. The survey has targeted radiology societies and national delegates from 31 UEMS member countries, belonging to the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Council of Europe.
The results of the inquiry have been summarised in the table and in the conceptual maps on the left column.
Edited by:
Dr. Francesca B. Pizzini – Secretary General, Division of Neuroradiology
Mr. Francesco Tanzi – Secretariat, Section of Radiology
Prof. Marek Sasiadek – President, Division of Neuroradiology
Prof. Paolo Ricci- President, Section of Radiology
Question 1 – Specialty school/Fellowship in Neuroradiology
□ Yes
□ No
□ N/A
□ Not answered

Question 4 – Neuroendovascular procedures performed by Interventional Radiologists
□ Yes
□ No
□ N/A
□ Not answered

Question 6 – INR Training required
□ Yes
□ No
□ N/A
□ Not answered

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies from May 25, 2018 and represents a significant overhaul of European data protection legislation. The GDPR considerably expands the scope of EU privacy legislation and introduces new rules for consent requirements to collect and process data, rights to erasure, data portability, and the use of health and research data. The GDPR is also a central part of the European Commission’s digital single market strategy, designed to boost digital innovation.The regulation affects the area of healthcare and radiology in many ways and includes specific rules and exemptions for medical professionals and researchers.
The ESR – European Society of Radiology has produced a paper The EU General Data Protection Regulation: what the radiologist should know includeing an overview of the parts of the legislation most relevant to radiologists, clarifies key rules and terms, and provides insights into what impact the GDPR will have on clinical practice.
The paper is available here: https://www.myesr.org/article/1814

International Day of Radiology
On November 8, radiologists, radiographers, radiological technologists and professionals from related fields will celebrate the eighth International Day of Radiology (IDoR) all over the world. Let’s celebrate together!
The International Day of Radiology is an annual event held with the aim of building greater awareness of the value that radiology contributes to safe patient care, and improving understanding of the vital role radiologists and radiological technologists play in the healthcare continuum.

Save the date
UEMS Spring Council: online, April 23-24, 2021
UEMS CESMA meeting: online, June 19, 2021
UEMS Fall Council: Limassol, October 22-23, 2021